Paths to Wellness:
"I know what it feels like to try prescriptions for years with no understanding of the cause, and no end in sight...
To feel burdened by your health,
allowing it to rob you from the joys of life...
But there is HOPE!
You have the innate power to heal, and I would love to teach you how to access it!"

Why Enlightened Health?
Enlightened Health uses a unique combination of nutrition and dietary education, Ayurveda, herbal medicine, applied kinesiology, homeopathy, energy medicine, EFT, emotion code, psychic attunements, reiki, sound therapy, aromatherapy, sacred ceremony, yoga and meditation to meet you right where you are at, and guide you towards achieving your OPTIMAL health.
What is Energy Work?
Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that eases stress & encourages relaxation. It is the practice of laying hands on an individual and is based off the idea that everyone has "life force energy." When an individuals life force energy is low, practitioners can use reiki to open any blocks formed from day to day circumstances.